31 October 2008

Ganjaran dari AJK Jamuan

F&B team pun menjalankan tugas, tanggungjawab bisdurg semalam... liat lah tukang masak nya sapa, supervised by Uwa bini... Thanks 4 filling our tummy!! Rezeki tuhan sebagai ganjaran kpd kerja2 yg dibuat smlm...

mknan untuk di hidang...

ejo lah yg masak mee tu...


So, we ended up with our makan session...

siap dihidang...

e-seh... sempat g bergambar tu cpun tah naleh...

makan... makan...

yang berbaju itam 2 org tu.. diet kerr??

anak-anak pun ikut makan... after naleh bermain..

Yang turut memeriahkan suasana...

ejo & didie... andg 1 kemestian bisdurg begmbr..

ating pun ada...

tuan & puan rumah...

& anak2 nyee..

nda lupa jua kanak2 yg paling memeriahkan suasana

Gallery team in Action!!

Cian gallery team! Member 2 org saja... Nasib baik jua ada King Biskut & Hafiz HAR datang.. ada jua yang menulung ckit2... T.P. nda dpt betugas smlm.. tapi memang T.P. gatal ati kan dtg tu sebenarnya... sabar aja yerr...

Oh yes.. thanks to Uwa Haji Ali kerana menyumbang $$$ sebanyak $30 untuk gallery team membali strawboard.. Jasa baik uwa tetap dikenang smpai bila2!!

Sebagai bukti durg bekeraja semalam, here are some of the photos...

perbincangan awal...

mula beraksi..
sukat2 gmbr pat strawboard.. muat jua 2..

start melakat2 board ke notice board..

buleh tahan c-Zam nie... tekun bekeraja, dpt jadi contoh nie....

Hafiz HAR & Dani menolong gallery team...

siap dah one side of the board...

the other side.. 90% siap.. nda cukup board

BAWAH: turut menyumbangkan tenaga bagi double tape pat gmbr... ni nah urg2nya..

Deco Team in Action!!

.. physically & mentally tired.. a2 yg dapat ku describe abt my life dis week.... keja d bandar 2dy.. coz mth end closing bahh... picked up by company transport & bnyk gak yg pegi bandar office/muara warehse today.. odw ke bndr, nda dpt ku tahan.. bukannya nak citer keburukan org ah.. memang pun aku pernah se-transport dengannya be4 dis... dis is my 3rd tym sama trip.. tapi ntah mengapa.. maybe ani sebagai menceriakan suasana pagi ku.. destinasi dari rumah sampai ke ofis, suasana dlm keta dipenuhi dgn bunyi 'exhaust pecah' (said one of the passengers)... my colleague ani tidur bekuruh / dengkur... basarrr kali bunyinya.. hebat hebat!!! nda lagi sadar tu... sampai kan melatup rasa parut menahan ketawa.. last last, baik jua ada mbwa ear piece... so ku pasanglah hp walkman ku... pagi yg dahsyat yg penuh besejarah.. kalau d ingat2, senyum saja ku...

..back to home, rehat jap saja.. malam nie kan deco team beraksi... ready2kan brg yg kan di bawa... dinner jap, den terus zoom ke lokasi.. janji kul8 pat lokasi.. lmbt 10mins lah saja.. biasalah kan.. nda pndai tepat.. hehe.. sapa yg kenal, paham2 dah tu... baik jua deco team member alum ada yg sampai dulu...

..baru teingat we didn't inform home owner yg kami mau dtg usai tmpt.. patutpun uwa subuk2 dari jendela, liat sapa yg dtg.. sorry lupa...

so after semua member kumpul, we pun suka2 buat deco yg 'redah jerrr' atu.. maklumlah, kebnykan nya 'low bat'... p yg fun nya, walaupun naleh, part part bekeraja sambil baibun atu nda dpt dielakkan...or shall i say, baibun lagi bnyk dari bekeraja... hehe...

Mula aksi dgn menggantung ketupat di mana2 yg sesuai...

Both Alai (Alai Jamil & Alai Hanafi) cbuk mengusai paket raya.. style yg senget2 atu, payah tu ah kan menyusun, tym malam lagi... menguji mata & kesabaran tu ah...

Dd Feina & Eamy cbuk kan mendesign 'SHR' & 'HIP' atu.. mau2 jua kan membuat HIP atu, walaupun mcm2 cabaran... sampai kamah dinding rumah urg kali ah... nanti tah membersihkannya...
Yg paling important, team member kami, Wani, coz ia bekeraja untuk semua kami, menyediakan gam-gam untuk melekat... Famous ia coz sana cni kana panggil.. Yg amazingnya, cekap jua bah ia ani!!

Menerima kritikan org2 sekililing dan memperbaiki mana yang patut, ni nah hasil kerja dari deco team...

Tahniah deco team for all the excellent creativities!! Thanks a lot!! Tomoro lagi beraksi outdoor!! Yg nda dpt atu, it's ok...

No bday celebration..

Wed, 29/10/08
..pegi shopping utk 1st bersama sis... bali minuman, cari hadiah.. part part cari hadiah ani yg membuat kami terstuck & lama... cari sana cni... at last, dpt jua walaupun nda se-amazing yg di mau... sambil2 atu sampat jua membali chix pie.. hubby ku suruh call order pizza (fav ayis kali tu ah!!) & we ambil odw back.. sis order lasagna lagi so we waited 4 another 10mins.. can't wait 2 see ayis excited mama beli piza.. sampai saja d rmh, cari ayis... tidurrrrr.......... ahhhh, frust jua lah, li8 jam it's alredi 9 sth.. gpun ia nda tdo ptg.. ngalih lah tu...bangunkan ayis, no success.. so suruh maid tinggalkan saja utk ayis..

..ayid plak dari balik kaja dah tido saja... maybe, wrong timing lah.. tym ia bangun, mama yg nada.. cbuk shopping.. sedih gak today mcm nda happening.. bday hubby/ babah ayisayid.. sorry yerr... we ganti on dis sat jerr ye...

29 October 2008

BirthDaY Wish 4 BeLoV3D HuBBy & DaDDy

to Faizal Gurie
for his 28th birthday
on the 29th of October 2008
Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, sihat selalu & sentiasa dirahmati.

Ucapan yang tulus ikhlas daripada:

Put the glass down

Here is a beautiful story that offers a sensible perspective and profound advice on how to deal with stress, problems and challenges of everyday life. Do Enjoy..
Professor began his class by holding up a glass of water in it.
He held it up for all to see & asked the students "How much do you think this glass weighs?"
"50 gms!"..."100 gms!"... "125 gms!".. the students answered.
"I really don't know unless I weigh it," said the professor, but my question is
"What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?"
"Nothing" the students said.
"OK, what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?" the professor asked.
"Your arm would begin to ache" said one of the students.
"You're right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?"
"Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress and paralysis & have to go to hospital for sure!"..ventured another student and the students laughed.
"Very good! But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?" asked the professor.
"No" was the answer.
"Then what caused the arm ache & muscle stress?"
The students puzzled.
"What should I do now to come out of the pain?" asked the professor again.
"Put the glass down" said one of the students.
"Exactly" said the professor.
Life's problems are something like this.
Hold it for few minutes in your head & they seem OK.
Think of them for a long time & they begin to ache.
Hold it even longer & they begin to paralyze you.
You will not be able to do anything.
It's important to think of the challenges / problems in your life,
but EVEN MORE IMPORTANT is to PUT THEM DOWN at the end of the day before you go to sleep.
That way you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh & strong & can handle any issue / challenge that comes your way!!
So, remember friends to PUT YOUR GLASS DOWN TODAY before you go to sleep!!

28 October 2008

Family Fun Day details

Date: 02 November 2008 (Sun)
Time: 2 pm to 5:30 pm
Venue: Marine Center & West Beach, Empire Hotel

Brief Program
2.00 PM - Arrival of guests
- Registration at Marine Center counter
2.30 PM - Welcome remarks by MB/ FW
2.45 PM - All games open (Simultaneously)
4.00 PM - Foods served
5.00 PM - Prize presentation for competitions
5.30 PM- Party ends

- This year we want to emphasize parents to have fun together with their kids. Hence, the new 'Family Fun Day' theme.
- There will be three types of games
- Indoor games - TOTAL Puzzle, E-Shock, Fishing, etc - Open for kids aged 0-7
- Outdoor games - Big Foot Race, Leaky bucket, etc - Open for all families
- Water sports games* - Parasailing, jetski, banana boat, etc - Open for adults only. Parents are STRICTLY advised to supervise their kids.
Prior to that, every individual or family leaders MUST complete and sign all the indemnity forms provided as below.
- Bouncers will also be available
* Note that there will be no profesional lifeguard available, but one Empire staff will be supervising the West Beach area to attend to any problems.

Other matters
- Pls bring extra cloths in case you get wet!
- Parents are to supervise their kids at all times to avoid any accidents.
- Children's gift vouchers will be distributed at registration. The parents are responsible to ensure that the vouchers are safely guarded.

27 October 2008

Preparation 4 Raya Gathering HIP Team Photography

Sunday, 26/10/08 Memang sudah di plan supaya mengerajakan preparation untuk raya gathering nie.. Untuk bahagian dekorasi, we decided 2 use brg2 yang ada such as green packet, kad raya, cucul.. Bahagian voting tu nanti untuk raya photography contest, kena sediakan box untuk undian ramai, pen yg banyak, voting sheet.. Finally, bahagian hadiah, ini yang susah nie.. Hadiah untuk pemenang, pro judges + MC pada malam tu..

Called ejo asking 4 update bahagian makanan.. informed yg our family will sponsor nasi & ayam for dat occasion. Suruh cari sponsor dari family lain lagi lah.. Also sis managed to call Ngah Jamil: katanya mau sponsor Satay.. Hmm best nyeee.. Nyaman tu ah!! Contact Ngah Jijah... n0t sure coming.. Dlm cbuk2 atu, ada jua yang dtg menyerah diri... Hehe, Uda Jul ku, thanks 4 coming, we minta sponsor nie.. Baik ati sangat lah uda ku ani membagi $50 for dat event. Thanks also for the contribution! Mudahan di balas berganda2 dari apa yang diberi..

Contacted AJK bahagian dekorasi, we agreed to beraksi n bertugas on friday nite lapas isya'. Yatah saja masa yg dpt kami bekumpul.. Maklumlah, aku ani keraja swasta, bukan government.. so paksa lah dey all tunggu aku... hehe.. sowee yerr!! Dgr cerita, bahagian galleri pun ikut2an jua beraksi ari jumat malam atu.. well, nda plg papa... mikin ramai, mikin meriahhh tah suasana.. jgn saja mulut yg beraksi dat tym... kaki & tgn yg harusnya banyak beraksi.. Apa2pun, harapan supaya semua berjalan dgn lancar!!

Today 27/10/08, ada discussion dgn PRO HIP team photography a& after to update timbalan pengerusi on the latest status... TP atu andangnya nda penyabar... semua mau tau, BOS kali ah... Pengerusi nda jua sesibuk timbalannya... hehe...

Anyway, good work team!!

Acara Malam: Welcome & Farewell Dinner

... Sat nite ada invitation lagi untuk welcoming & farewell some of our colleagues. Disebabkan ujan alum beranti, venue paksa tukar from poolside to ballroom... Lama dah nda datang acara2 anjuran company anie. Sekali sekala dtg, siuk jua.

Makanan.. not bad.. kenyang gak...

Lau kung beraksi malam tu.. biasalah, kalau nda migang kamera tym ada event, nda sanang duduk tu.. aku pun support jua lah akitiviti baru nya.. as long as hobby yg sihat.. neway, tiap2 acara, memang finance team nda pernah ketinggalan begambar as a team. Thanks to Hjh K for bekuat2 mengambil gambar utk dijadikan kenangan..

Survey Skool 4 FaRi$

Seperti biasa, Saturday mesti cbuk dengan apa saja yang kan di buat... As planned wiv my sis, we mau pegi survey skool for our elders. Umur dah 3++ tahun. Sis dah prepared list of skools 4 us to visit. Went to one of the schools in Tutong. 1st impression not so gud. Dinding classroom penuh dengan contengan / karya kanak2 di sana atu.. Tym we datang (ard 9am), tchrnya busy makan... Breakfast kerr? And kedengaran cigunya teriak2 menagur the kids... Tertanya jugak if this is the rite way? So, we waited 2 meet the GB. She's young, from the way she talked, rasanya me as a mom, kureng konfiden kan antar my boy pegi dat skool kot.. Perasan hampa pun ada.. Coz I was thinking of sending him to skool terdekat. But, perasan takut & beruri ku timbul.. So, bincang punya bincang, we decided to give a try to one of the skools in jerudong. I heard about dis skool before... Sesampai di sana, lega jua rasa hati.. coz I was amazed by the way a teacher treated her kids.. WOW!! Den tanya tanya subjek nya pun ok jugak lerr.. ada english, malay, maths, phonics and doa-doa... dat's a good start i think. We decided to just send them there... Nda jua jauh sangat.. Hope my boy & my niece can tahan skool at jerudong... Let's hope for the best!!

24 October 2008

The most...

SELFISH 1-letter word 'I':
Avoid it!

SATISFYING 2-letter word 'WE':
Use it!

POISONOUS 3-letter word

Kill it!

USED 4-letter word

Value it!

PLEASING 5-letter word 'SMILE'

Keep it!

Ignore it!

HARDEST WORKING 7-letter word

Achieve it!

ENVIABLE 8-letter word

Distance it!

POWERFUL 9-letter word

Acquire it!

ESSENTIAL 10-letter word

Trust it!

Bz but enjoying life

Tmpt keraja banyak banar keraja kan di buat.. nxt week, month end dah..mikin tah cbuk..but i managed 2 finish off apa yg important. tinggal 1 more thing to review b4 closing books.. alhamdulilah, ari ani aku devoted 80% of my time buat kerja2 yg patut ku buat... selabihnya, biasalah.... baca blogs org.. messaging with sis 2 update on our upcoming raya program.

Now, I'm home. Tym sampai tadi, kedengaran suara ayis teriak2.. bemain sorang2.. cian.. Ayid biasalah.. tdo saja...

Mana tah sis ani? Called her, suruh cepat2 balik rumah cni.. She's still at her IL's place.. 2mlm dah tdo sana. We've got a lot of things to discuss..

Lapas2 beranak ayid anikan, mama cbuk memanjang. Bukan cbuk menjaga ayid.. Mama cbuk ke salon lah, outing sama kwn lah, cbuk dngani sis buat assignment lah, joining club lah, appointment sana cni...Bukan macam ayis dulu. Mama has NO LIFE at all... Balik dari keraja, tarus balik rumah. Tarus spent time with ayis. Weekend nda mau kuar rumah, mau spent tym wiv ayis + hubby saja... Kononnya, kan jadi isteri + mama mithali lah.. hhahaha.. tried and am still trying. Am not regretting my previous life. Am trying to improve the way of living. Kan menjadi manusia yg hidup di alam 'nyata', not fantasi.

Now is very different.. Perspektif dah berubah.. Betekad ku kan mengubah diriku... it's not my fault kalau urg nda puas ati dgn tani.. akan ku jalankan tanggungjawabku cam biasa.. well, i also want 2 thank seseorg utk membuka mataku yg sebelumnya tertutup... Pengalaman banar2 mendewasakan aku... I have no fear with what's coming ahead of me... ready, rela & redha dgn ketentuanNya..

Anyway, I am actually very excited kan discuss sal the photography team raya gathering on the 1st nov ani.. mulanya, kana suruh in caj bagian makanan... now changed to bagian hadiah, voting & dekorasi..together wiv my sis. klah, no problem tu.. apa2 saja as long as ada contribute tenaga ckit 4 the team.

Gaya2nya tertangguh lah lagi business plan ku ani... ntah bila tah kan start buka bisnes nie...jumpa vendor pun alum tah pndai menjadi, malar postpone... maybe next year pun alum tantu dpt buka bisnes nie... nxt year have to really focus on our house, rasanya.. sorry big sis.. have to tunggu masa yg sesuai 4 us 2 do mkt survey + jumpa vendor..

21 October 2008

HecTic W33k3ND

Raya invitations alum tah abis2 nyerr...

Saturday, kami (hubby, ayis n myself) pegi rumah one of my friends... new house... Wow!! Liat dari luar, siuk mata memandang... As he said, macam castle.. and it really looks like castle... and i know he spent lots of $ on his hse.. seperti biasa lah... kepoh kepoh rumah org.. make a tour ourselves coz owner tak telayan... full house. Terdetik di hati, sayang banar rumah anie.. waste of space (+ money for me).. kalau lah digunakan spacenya sepenuhnya, i'm sure it would be an amazing house.. well, it's not the house that i dream of yg pastinya... only 1 master room, 1 maid room, 1 bedroom... and I would say nda muat untuk kami anak beranak + our barang.. 2nd floor, cuma ada lorong tempat bejalan to the bedroom and to his gym. His gym ada spiral stairs, going down to his master room.. but can see his room from his gym becoz floor nya atu only half or quarter of his master room.. Nada privacy!!

Sunday, ada invitation from our fren, Puteri at 2.30pm. So, pegi ke sana with memet.. bejumpa sama Sanderr + Santi + Elfy jua.. mcm reunion tah plg. Ramai yg dtg.. Meriah tahun ani.. Sampat lagi besosialising with Paji, Farisah, Wiwi, Milin, Justina.. It was fun. Solo jerr dis year.. Dat's why banyak tanya mana hubby n anak.. And, ramai nda sangka I've 2 sons already.. Maklumlah, sapa sangka, aku yg memang gauk tym skulah.. suka buat perkara2 yg nda patut, aku tah plg dulu yg kawin n jadi berakal.. hehe.. smile to myself.. and said to myself, my tym has passed.. Past is Experience!! Prinsip dulu2 mesti mencuba. Berani mencuba, berani tanggung. Not that I don't like my life now.. Life now is better with my kids... Caya lah. So, kawan2 ku yg alum kawin, tunggu apa lagi??? Cerita pasal kawan2 + 'bukan' kawan2 yg ku jumpa dat tym, ada jugak lerr yg seksa mata memandang... + bagi malas kan tagur. But overall it was fun though tiring.

Balik dari sana, pegi kat rumah Ngah Ali.. Makan lagi.. Memang surrender abis nie.. P liat2 makanan.. ada my fav food lah.. Fish, can't resist.. Balik rumah, liat ayid tidur.. Sorry ayid coz mama nda bnyk spent time with ayid today.. Rasa guilty plak.. Rasanya, bukan sunday jer yg mama kurang attention sama ayid... The whole weekend kot.. Cian ayid.. Will try to be a good mom 2 both of you, ayis n ayid..

20 October 2008

Gerbang HaRi RaYa

Photos by Pjal
Venue: Front of NBT Toyota & Lexus Showroom

18 October 2008

I wish 4U a wONDerFuL DaY!!

Comfort on difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the cloud,
Laughter to feel your lips,
Sunset to warm your heart,
Gentle hugs when spirits sag,
Friendships to brighten your being,
Beauty for your eyes to see,
Confidence for when you doubt,
Faith so that you can believe,
Courage to know yourself,
Patience to accept the truth,
And LOVE to complete your day.

Thanks to Lys Boon for sharing this inspirational thought!

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