27 October 2008

Survey Skool 4 FaRi$

Seperti biasa, Saturday mesti cbuk dengan apa saja yang kan di buat... As planned wiv my sis, we mau pegi survey skool for our elders. Umur dah 3++ tahun. Sis dah prepared list of skools 4 us to visit. Went to one of the schools in Tutong. 1st impression not so gud. Dinding classroom penuh dengan contengan / karya kanak2 di sana atu.. Tym we datang (ard 9am), tchrnya busy makan... Breakfast kerr? And kedengaran cigunya teriak2 menagur the kids... Tertanya jugak if this is the rite way? So, we waited 2 meet the GB. She's young, from the way she talked, rasanya me as a mom, kureng konfiden kan antar my boy pegi dat skool kot.. Perasan hampa pun ada.. Coz I was thinking of sending him to skool terdekat. But, perasan takut & beruri ku timbul.. So, bincang punya bincang, we decided to give a try to one of the skools in jerudong. I heard about dis skool before... Sesampai di sana, lega jua rasa hati.. coz I was amazed by the way a teacher treated her kids.. WOW!! Den tanya tanya subjek nya pun ok jugak lerr.. ada english, malay, maths, phonics and doa-doa... dat's a good start i think. We decided to just send them there... Nda jua jauh sangat.. Hope my boy & my niece can tahan skool at jerudong... Let's hope for the best!!



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