21 October 2008

HecTic W33k3ND

Raya invitations alum tah abis2 nyerr...

Saturday, kami (hubby, ayis n myself) pegi rumah one of my friends... new house... Wow!! Liat dari luar, siuk mata memandang... As he said, macam castle.. and it really looks like castle... and i know he spent lots of $ on his hse.. seperti biasa lah... kepoh kepoh rumah org.. make a tour ourselves coz owner tak telayan... full house. Terdetik di hati, sayang banar rumah anie.. waste of space (+ money for me).. kalau lah digunakan spacenya sepenuhnya, i'm sure it would be an amazing house.. well, it's not the house that i dream of yg pastinya... only 1 master room, 1 maid room, 1 bedroom... and I would say nda muat untuk kami anak beranak + our barang.. 2nd floor, cuma ada lorong tempat bejalan to the bedroom and to his gym. His gym ada spiral stairs, going down to his master room.. but can see his room from his gym becoz floor nya atu only half or quarter of his master room.. Nada privacy!!

Sunday, ada invitation from our fren, Puteri at 2.30pm. So, pegi ke sana with memet.. bejumpa sama Sanderr + Santi + Elfy jua.. mcm reunion tah plg. Ramai yg dtg.. Meriah tahun ani.. Sampat lagi besosialising with Paji, Farisah, Wiwi, Milin, Justina.. It was fun. Solo jerr dis year.. Dat's why banyak tanya mana hubby n anak.. And, ramai nda sangka I've 2 sons already.. Maklumlah, sapa sangka, aku yg memang gauk tym skulah.. suka buat perkara2 yg nda patut, aku tah plg dulu yg kawin n jadi berakal.. hehe.. smile to myself.. and said to myself, my tym has passed.. Past is Experience!! Prinsip dulu2 mesti mencuba. Berani mencuba, berani tanggung. Not that I don't like my life now.. Life now is better with my kids... Caya lah. So, kawan2 ku yg alum kawin, tunggu apa lagi??? Cerita pasal kawan2 + 'bukan' kawan2 yg ku jumpa dat tym, ada jugak lerr yg seksa mata memandang... + bagi malas kan tagur. But overall it was fun though tiring.

Balik dari sana, pegi kat rumah Ngah Ali.. Makan lagi.. Memang surrender abis nie.. P liat2 makanan.. ada my fav food lah.. Fish, can't resist.. Balik rumah, liat ayid tidur.. Sorry ayid coz mama nda bnyk spent time with ayid today.. Rasa guilty plak.. Rasanya, bukan sunday jer yg mama kurang attention sama ayid... The whole weekend kot.. Cian ayid.. Will try to be a good mom 2 both of you, ayis n ayid..


NiaMubs on October 23, 2008 at 3:18 PM said...

..tapi kan Eamy..skali skala kluar solo siuk jua kan.. ;)

MaMa Ay|s^Ay|d on October 24, 2008 at 11:34 AM said...

totally agree wiv u.. now, i try 2 find aktiviti utk diriku sendiri 2 entertain myself.. my life perspective has changed becoz of all my gud n bad experiences!!


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