24 November 2008

Mom's Admission to hospital

Friday, 21st November 2008
Ari ani mcm tak de mood jer nak keje... But, I managed to come to office, pening2 lalat coz last nite ahir tidurrr... Ramai yang kata aku main my new Macbook... Salah lah korang... I was helping my sis wiv her assignment... She's doing better now but mesti dgn kehadiran ku.... huh?? kalau nda, ideas nya hilang ntah ke mana....
My bos pun cuti ptg ari ani.. Pastu, it was planned dat we tested on one new process in our system in the afternoon. Baru nak mula buka documentation nya like the work instruction... Patut lah satu pun tak leh masuk kat kepala ku ani... Ard 10, hubby antar txt 'mama kat spital.. jatuh kat jamban'... Panik jua lah... Mikin lah tak tentu apa kan ku buat...
Apa yang terjadi sebenarnya?? Mama pegi passed motion subuh2 tu, ard 4am... Katanya, sakit perut... Then, sedarnya dia telah pun laid down on the toilet floor... Pagi tu, dia ada tugas invigilating kat Sek Men Bearhill... Dia pun pegi gak... Pening pala so babah had to send him to hospital... Kepala nya bengkak, she must have hit something!! So, she is admitted today.

Saturday, 22nd November 2008
Mom is given home leave... What a relief to her.. coz she couldn't sleep well in the hospital..

Sunday, 23rd November 2008
Back to hospital.. Not allowed for another home leave as tomorrow she'll be doing her CT scan at Ripas hospital.

Monday, 24th November 2008
Actually, she can be discharge today.. Tapi, darah nya naik... She couldn't take good sleep last nite, thinking of the CT scan to be done today... sebab tu lah..
Fishbone got stuck lagi kat throatnya... Huh?? Terkenang tym ku tekena dulu... So, gave her petuanya... My sis kata suruh makan pisang lah, makan nasi lah, minum air banyak2... but, based on my experience, it's better to force dat tiny hurtie lil' thing to get out of the throat rather than suruh masuk deeper.. Baik jua tulang ikan tu dapat di kuarkan.... Berkat petua ku atu lah...

Tuesday, 25th November 2008
Discharged from hospital... Result of CT scan - Normal. Alhamdulilah... Tapi right side of her eyes is purplish in color... Mcm org kena tumbuk..



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