25 November 2008

Tagged by Mrs Mub (Part II & III)

Part II

What do you want for your birthday? I'm a very simple person. Just expecting birthday greetings from my family and close friends

Who will be your next kiss? Putera Sulung & Bungsu

When was the last time you when to the mall? 15th Nov, 2008 (Saturday)

Are you wearing socks right now? Not yet... going to wear before sleep. Tak tahan sejuk kat bilik, mcm berada kat North Pole..

How did you spend your summer?
  • Gave birth to my 2nd boy..
  • Attended 4 family weds.. (Didi, Adi, Hasnol & Lalai)
  • Joined the first outing of the HIPhotographers Team before fasting mth

Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days? Not in the last 5-6years

What was the last thing you had to drink? Jamu Bersalin: Akar2

What are you wearing right now? Pink blouse & black pants

What was your last purchase? Burger buns, Sandwich loaf, Hot dog buns & ice-creams for the kids at home

What was your last food you ate? Ayam Masak Merah... Nyaman!!

Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep? Of course, my Lau Kung.

Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Nope, but buat Baju Kurung ada lah...

Do you have a pet? Not mine, but we do have cats, fishes and rabbits in and outside the house.

What made you laugh in the last 5 days? Farid ambil gambar tym buat paspot at Immigration Office.

If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? HongKong... terpengaruh dengan ceta WawaDidie untuk buat shopping kat sana..

What is the last thing you purchased online? Mobile phone @ QQ estore

One thing you hate about yourself? Moody this week.. Angin kejap ke timur, kejap ke barat.. hehe...

Do you miss anyone? Yup.. C-Ad coz her bday is coming soon! Otw back home tadi, keep thinking of her... She's about to deliver her second & third child (twins). Sudah kot?

What are your plans for the day?
  • Visit mom at hospital: tak jadi coz she was discharged dis afternoon.
  • Translate training documents of Ngah Sin: mcm malas rasaku..
  • Book tickets online: done @9.23pm
  • Transfer video of Farid from phone to notebook: done @ 10.30pm
  • Remind umi to call Hj Mahadi: done and she managed to call @9.15pm

Last person you msg’d? Hubby

Ever went to a camp? Twice: (1) Girl Guides Camping at Girl Guides Headquarters, (2) Girl Guides & Boy Scout Camping at Scout Headquarters

Are you a good student in school? Not during my pre-university level: gauk, selalu nda masuk kelas 'General Paper'.

What do you know about the (your) future? Membuat rumah sendiri, menghantar anak-anak overseas kalau mereka nak sambung belajar

Where is/are your best friend/s right now? Menjaga puteri nya kat rumah..

Part III

Berat sebelum mengandung? 57.2kg@1/05, 67.1kg@10/07

Berat terakhir mengandung sebelum bersalin? 72.3kg@8/05, 78kg@5/08

Berat selepas habis pantang? 62.8kg@10/05, 68.2kg@7/08

Apa yang korang suka makan masa mengandung? Meehoon (hari biasa2 tak suka meehoon), & buah pisang.

Hospital mana anda bersalin? RIPAS@9/05, PMMPMHAMB Tutong@5/08

Tunjukkan gambar mengandung at least 5 kpg.. yg penting sekali gambar masa last pregnant? Kena cari dulu ne... 30/11/2008: still couldn't find any photos yet.

Sila tag kawan2 anda sebanyak 5 orang: Tini, Sander (Part II only), Pauline, Umi, Hjh E.



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