12 November 2008

Ta993D by MrsMubs

1st of all, thanks 2 MrsMub 4 tagging me.. sekali sekala, it's interesting to refresh mind wiv past history & our everyday doings... time past mcm atu saja without realising what's impt we have done in the past & do today..

Starting time: 7.45pm

Name: Ms Eamy

Sisters: WawaDidie (30), Umi (28), Tiya (8)

Brothers: Kuchik (18)

Shoe size: 37 or 6

Height: 5ft++ (TBC)

Where do you live: KTM, Tutong

Have you ever
  • been on a plane: Once a year (RBA, MAS, SIA)
  • Swam in the ocean: Never.. takut air + nda tau swimming
  • Fallen asleep at school: Yup... especially kalau subjects yang tak minat!!
  • Broken someone’s heart: Rasanya ada...
  • Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Common - especially kalau org sudah berjanji...
  • Saved e-mails: Email quotas overlimit.. dunno which to delete.. mostly work-related from 2004
What is your room like: 2-section room: one section for sleeping, watching TV, small office and another dressing room complete with shower & washroom

What’s right beside you: My baby's single bed

What is the last thing you ate: Burger & Mee goreng

Chicken pox: Twice

Sore throat: Never ending.. Mcm routine tah plg.. Now still investigating apa puncanya..

Stitches: Nope..

Broken nose: Nope

Do you believe in love at first sight: Nope

Like picnics: Used to love picnics during school & uni time.. with frens of course!!

Who was/were…

The last person you danced with: Can't remember..

Last made you smile: My elder boy, Faris

You last yelled at: My fren, Tini (thru phone).. sowee yerr!! nda ingat pasal apa tadi??

Today did you…

  • Talked to someone you like: Of course!!
  • Kissed anyone: My kids (Faris & Farid) - satu kemestian before and back from work, My nieces (Kaka & Chanteeq)
  • Get sick: Coughing jerr...
  • Talk to an ex: Nope
  • Miss someone: Not as bad as yesterday.. Missed my colleague.. penceria suasana..
Who do you really hate: No name to be mentioned...

Do you like your hand-writing: no fixed handwriting.. keeps on changing depending on my mood...

Are your toe nails painted: Nope, but like to see people wiv nails painted esp my niece!

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my parents'

What color shirt are you wearing now: blue

Are you a friendly person: not with strangers!!

Do you have any pets: Nope.. tapi ada cats & rabbit (chubby) here at my parents' hse.

Do you sleep with the TV on: Every nite coz my elder boy loves to watch TV before sleep.

What are you doing right now: Blogging

Can you handle the truth: Sure can!! Will keep dem in mind (keep it to myself), analyzing and improving if necessary.

Are you closer to your mother or father: used 2b closed to babah... now more close to hubby (tmpt beceta)

Do you eat healthy: trying to.. jara dgn masalah kesihatan ku.. kalau bleh, nda mau lagi beterupung parut via mulut & idung..

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: rasanya nada...

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: hubby, my sis: umi

Are you loud or quiet most of the time: quiet in Bndr office, loud in Lumut office (ikut bejabir mcm urg2nya di sana) & at home... hehe..

Are you confident: Kekadang overconfident which is not gud...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
  1. Nunggu my A-Level result
  2. Be-dating dgn hubby
  3. Went to Spore wiv Memet
  4. Menyubuh (kana col baru balik)
  5. Working part-time at Std Chartered

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire

  1. Membayar zakat annually tah tu!!
  2. Menderma & bersedakah
  3. Membuat rumah idaman
  4. Saving for my kids future
  5. Shopping shopping shopping... who wouldn't?

5 of my bad habits

  1. Merungut, mengusut, kuat mengomplen..
  2. Payah kan tidur awal and bangun pagi
  3. Mesti tunaikan apa kemahuan ku...
  4. Pemerintah kali..
  5. Kuat menyindir..

5 places I’ve lived/living:-

  1. Hostel Science College (3 years ++)
  2. Hostel Maktab Duli (1 year only)
  3. Flat @ University of Kent at Canterbury (1 year only)
  4. Rented hse at Benggugos
  5. Currently stay at my parents' hse @ KTM

5 people I tag:-

  1. Tini
  2. Sander
  3. Umi
  4. Pauline
  5. Lys

Finishing time: 8.43pm

Huh?? Naleh jua ah mengingati peristiwa2 dulu, mengkaji personaliti diri sendiri... Faningzzz jua pala.. hehe...


NiaMubs on November 13, 2008 at 9:10 AM said...
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NiaMubs on November 14, 2008 at 11:40 PM said...

Ada cats & rabbit at ur parents' hse? mun trliat time raya ari atu, nda tia kali lagi ia mau ikut balik..hihi..

kuat menyindir? errmm...cana bunyi nya tu ahh.. ;)


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